Join Us in Celebrating WATER’s 30th Anniversary, 1983-2013

Pour yourself a glass of water, and join us in toasting WATER’s 30th Anniversary!

Raise your glass, and give thanks that thirty years ago Divine Wisdom called us to gather a dozen women, respond to a need, and create WATER. Cheers!

Drink to our donors, starting with the Loretto Community that gave us our first grant. Include yourself and others who give WATER life by generous partnership. Mabuhay!

Toast the forty-seven interns who have graced WATER for training and the many visiting scholars and ministers who have written sermons, articles, books, and theses at WATER. They are proof that the Alliance is dynamic and growing. לחיים L’chaim!

Raise a glass (she preferred tea) to Carol Murdock Scinto, our longtime editor and colleague. She has gone to eternal rest, but our Resource Center is her legacy. Cheerio!

Toast our colleagues in the Women-Church Convergence, the Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion, the National Religious Leadership Roundtable, the Center for Women and Ministry in the South, Con-spirando, the FaithTrust Institute, and so many more. They are among the many with whom we collaborate in our struggles for justice. Santé!

Clink your glass to our teleconference speakers and Feminist Liberation Theologians’ Network whose scholarship and activism inspire, challenge, and nourish generations. ¡Salud!

Toast the authors of the more than 6,000 books in our Resource Center and the publishers who send review copies so we can promote creative work in the field. Zum Wohl!

Raise your glass to all who collaborate with WATER to strengthen their organizations, design conferences, produce publications, write books, broadcast social media, counsel, create rituals, and dream dreams. 干杯 gān bēi!

Toast the first thirty years of programs and projects, rituals and publications by a vibrant WATER Alliance. Sláinte! 

Drink to the future of WATER, and send your generous gift for our 30th Anniversary to power future generations! To your health!

Thank you for joining us in the celebration of WATER for our 30th Anniversary.