WATER Witness
June 1, 2020

The Women’s Alliance for Theology, Ethics, and Ritual (WATER) stands with all who deplore the systemic violence of racism and white supremacy. We condemn police actions that resulted in the brutal killing of George Floyd. This was yet one more instance, from microaggressions to murder, of the racist violence that we seek to eradicate.

Racism produces economic inequality, lack of access to education, substandard housing, and unemployment. White supremacy assures undeserved privilege for white people and guarantees that people of color, especially African Americans, will always have to work harder, be better, and still find themselves vulnerable. These social evils have real physical and psychological consequences that are deadly for individuals and lethal for whole generations. This must end.

We recommit ourselves personally and organizationally to stem the tide of racist violence through education, activism, and alliance building. We urge our Alliance to act with all who work to dismantle this pernicious, pervasive system of racism and white supremacy that is corroding our nation’s moral foundation and destroying our social fabric. We can and we will do better.