WATER Response to the U.S. Presidential Election

Dear WATER Friends,

Thank you to so many who have sent messages of support and solidarity to us. We appreciate your sharing your disappointment over the U.S. presidential election results. We, too, had hoped that Hillary Clinton would be elected the first woman president of the United States. But we respect the complexities of democracy.

We are deeply concerned about the rhetoric, platform, and policy promises of Donald Trump especially on issues of immigration, the Supreme Court, health care, and international relations. We are sobered by the fact that so many Americans could vote for someone whose behavior toward women, people living with disabilities, and persons of many religious faiths, especially Muslims, has been so demonstrably divisive.

We at WATER pray and will continue to work to the best of our abilities and energies for a just and peaceful world. We welcome and need your partnership now more than ever.

With grateful hearts amid disappointment,

Mary E. Hunt   Diann L. Neu   Mallory Naake   Hannah Dorfman   Joe Scinto

WATER Co-directors and Staff