October 2011 Ritual: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

By: Diann L. Neu

Put a bowl of water and a few stones on a table. In Celtic mythology, stones have healing qualities. They activate the power of holy wells. Put a stone in the well as you pray this litany.

One in every eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in her lifetime. I put this stone in the water for every woman who hears the words: “You have cancer.”

Spirit of Life, give her strength to face the unknown, patience to go through the tests, and courage to make the decisions that are best for her.
Response: I am here with you; you are not alone.

For every woman with cancer, there are family and friends who are shocked and grieving. I put this stone in the water for all mothers and fathers, partners and husbands, children and siblings, friends and colleagues who wait and watch.

Holy One on the Journey, give them strength to be with their loved one.
Response: I am here with you; you are not alone.

Early detection is the best protection. I put this stone in the water for all involved in cancer research whose life and work make early detection, careful diagnosis, and the hope of healing possible.

God of Many Names, guide their minds to discover the ways of cancer.
Response: I am here with you; you are not alone.

The days of treatment are so long, the chemotherapy and radiation so scary, the face in the mirror is so strange. I put this stone in the water for all women who fight the exhaustion, the fear, the loss of hair and appetite; for women who fight back, who stay the course, and look fear in the face with courage and even with humor.

Holy One of Courage and Laughter, be near.
Response: I am here with you; you are not alone.

Faith, prayer, and community are sources of help and healing. I put this stone in the water for all the prayers and visits, the phone calls and cards, the food and kind acts that bring comfort and healing.

Holy One of Hospitality, surround us with community.
Response: I am here with you; you are not alone.

There will be a cure; there must be a cure! I put this stone in the water for all who believe in and work toward the day when cancer does not take the lives of women.

Divine Healer, send your healing spirit to bring a cure for cancer now.
Response: I am here with you; you are not alone.