January 11 Teleconference with Rita Nakashima Brock

Join us for another "Feminist Conversations in Religion" teleconference on January 11, 2012. Our guest speaker will be Rita Nakashima Brock! To register, email the words "register me" to waterstaff@waterwomensalliance.org.

May 2011 Ritual: A Poem for Mother's Day

By Julia Ward Howe | Arise, then, women of this day!

March 2011 Ritual: Celebrate International Women’s Day

By Diann L. Neu | Lift up women's lives and your own with this ritual.

February 2011 Ritual: Love on Valentine’s Day!

By Diann L. Neu | Love is tough to name, but we know it when we feel it.

February 2011: Blessings to You on the Feast of Brigit

By Diann L. Neu | The first day of February is Brigit’s Day, a major feast of the Celtic year.

January 2011 Prayer: Solidarity for Human Trafficking Awareness Month

By Diann L. Neu | Holy Love, you who shout with us "No" to human trafficking in all its forms, be with us now to restore freedom to the trafficked and their families.